Sunday, June 29, 2008

Growing up is hard Work

Today for lunch Malin was eating chicken nuggets. Then he got really quiet, when I looked over at him I realized he was totally zonked. I didn't know eating was so tiring.


Amanda and Miles said...

Megan has done that a lot!

Anonymous said...

LOL -- poor little Malin! That is adorable. I can't say that my kids have done that much...but I guess when you are all tuckered catch a nap wherever you can!

Heck...I should know that!

Anonymous said...

By the way...cute pics of your kids! You guys must be the NICU experts! (I thought the build a bear clothes for Kira were SO cute!)

Brandon and Lindsey B said...

That's so cute! How nice not to have to coax him to take a nap :)