We have just moved into our first house and it is so wonderful I love it, it has room to breathe and my kitchen is great I have lots of counter space so now I can prepare food on the counter and not on top of my washer. It also has a lovely back yard with lots of trees and flowers and vines we have only lived here one week and already we all love it, it is going to be hard to leave when Sterling graduates in 3 years, but until then we will enjoy every minute.
9 years ago
That is so exciting! Your house IS beautiful and I'm sure it's such a relief after living in the *best* neighborhood in Provo...haha :o). We sure miss you guys! -Lindsey
I laughed out loud when I read the part about preparing food on the washer! I used to do that all the time when we lived in our tiny little apartment! Counter space is SO nice!
I am very happy for you...and envious of the big back yard. Someday...next year if we can pull it off! I forgot...where did you guys move?
Oh -- and post pics of your house ! I need something to drool over. LOL!
Forgot to mention...your new template is adorable! Like it a lot!
Thanks Maureen and Lindsey it is nice to get feedback, I am finally starting to get this blogging thing down but Sterling always has the laptop and our home computer crashed so I cant do it much.
Hey! This is Megan from the ward, well you're old ward. Found your blog on Brandon and Lindsey's check out mine at itsmemeganlee.blogspot.com I'm super glad you have a blog! I can't get over how dang cute Malin is.
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