Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our Little Artist

The first one is of her Daddy with a 5:00 shadow then one of a stray cat that hangs out around the house. The last one is me and it shows how thin my hair is, really I'm not exaggerating

Kira loves to draw on her magna doodle. Because we cant save the drawings, I have taken pictures of them. I was very impressed and proud of her drawings because she is only 3. I thought they showed a real likeness to the subjects she was drawing.


Megan Miley and Chris said...

Wow! The cat is really good! How old is she again?

Anonymous said...

Doodles of a little picaso...I love it! It is fun to see how children view Sterlings stubble...and your poor thin hair! (my kids would probably draw me in pajamas or scrubs!)

So very cute.

Brandon and Lindsey B said...

Cute cute! I am thinking the one of you is definitely not a likeness :)