Friday, September 26, 2008

A day or two at the farm

Malin's first pony ride went really well, he was able to stay on the horse for two rounds then he had enough.
Kira Loves horses and really enjoys riding them.This time she rode around all by herself.
Malin's Favorite animals were the goats and he couldn't get close enough
Little hands on the farm. The kids had a good time at the state fair picking apples and planting veggies,milking cows and collecting chicken eggs.
The Farm at Thanksgiving point has really friendly animals, the cows really liked Malin, but the feelings were not mutual.

Isn't this the cutest little Alpaca you have ever seen? I just love his hair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I laughed at the pic of Malin looking at the goats -- and then the one of him and the cows!! (Garrett would have been SCREAMING)

Such candid photographs!