Kira's first dance class was a lot of fun. They dance for the first half hour then do gymnastics for the second half. She had a really good time and enjoyed wearing her dance clothes and jumping around.
Thanks Amy for being such a great blogger. It is so fun to go to your site and see the kids. We all get so excited to see each new post. Love you so much. Mom
Sterling and I (Amy) met late October 2003. We were engaged after two weeks, when you know you know. Eight months later we were married. Six and a half months after that baby Kira was born she was 2 lbs 6 oz and 12 weeks early, In Feb. 2007 we had Malin, his name means "strong little warrior" because he was a whopping 1 lb 9 oz. The baby of the family Jaxon was born Sep. 2011. Sterling graduated in Nursing and is now continuing on towards Medical school. I have a husband who loves me, three wonderful kids (two boys and a girl) Three dogs named Jasmine, Sparkles and Narf. I am living the American Dream every day!
Thanks Amy for being such a great blogger. It is so fun to go to your site and see the kids. We all get so excited to see each new post. Love you so much. Mom
Aww -- so dang cute! Mariah always wanted to take guys are awesome for putting Kira in dance...I bet she loves it!!
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