Halloween is a big deal to my family we All love to dress up. My Dad always goes way out. This year he decided to go as the joker, it is amazing the things you can do with a bald head.
My little sister Katie went as a Dark Angel if you notice her shoes they are silver high heals that are about 3 inches high, Oh man those were the days when I could wear heals all day and not kill my feet.
My older sister Christie dressed up as a Gangster all the people at her work dressed up as Gangsters ( she works at a bank) but they were not allowed to have guns I wonder why?...
I hope every one had a wonderful Halloween, including my hubby Sterling who was not able to go with us, due to him getting a new job in the E.R. So congrats honey. we missed you and love you.
You guys are soo cute! I love the costume for your doggie. I don't know if mine would have worn it.
(I used to work with Sterling at UVRMC)
LOL! You guys all look awesome...even Jasmine.
Love the costumes, the killer heels...and unique use of makeup!
WHEN did Sterling get this ER job???
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