Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well as of 12:00 last night we are officially homeless. We gave our 30 day notice thinking we had plenty of time to get the new place ready but it didn't work out that way and we cant move in for a couple of days, but we had to move out so now we are HOMELESS! he he. We are now hotel and house hopping until the wonderful day we can move into our lovely new place, and let me tell you living out of a uhaul is really not all that fun,but you do what you have to. I hope to have good news ( that we moved in ) soon and I will post some pictures, in the meantime every one enjoy the homes your in and have a wonderful day!


Bennett Family said...

Honey come to my house!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens!! My house is small...but I'll rent you out the attic or crawl space or something....

j/k -- I'm sure you'll find something FABULOUS soon. :)