As many of you know we started the adoption process in April. With LDS Family services it takes about 6 months to get all the paperwork and certifications finished then your profile is available online for viewing, from there we were told the average wait time till placement of a child is two years. Well just like everything else in our lives things our adoption was on fast forward. I am pleased to announce we are now the proud family of a beautiful little boy. Little did we know when we started the process that we would have a baby less than 6 months later.
August 27, 2011 we received a call first thing in the morning from a birth mother who introduced herself then asked if we wanted to adopt her baby, needless to say I was a little shocked and almost speechless! I was so excited this is what I had been waiting for, another baby! then she goes on to tell us that her due date was today (the 27th) and again my shock goes up another notch. We agreed to meet and later that day we did. She was an amazing woman so wise and down to earth. She informed us that while she was due they were not going to worry about it till the 11th of September because he was measuring small. So we started waiting and preparing as quickly as possible for the birth of out third child. As the days went by and the 11th got closer and closer we wondered when he would arrive the 11th came and went and still he was not here. Then on September 14 we received a call saying she was in the hospital and we should come. Once we arrived at the hospital we found out she had been there since 2:00 that morning. Then 36 hours of hard labor later our son was born. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen and the first labor I had ever been able to witness. My respect for the birth mother went sky high as I saw what she had to do to bring our baby into this world. I will forever be indebted to her for the sacrifice and love she has shown. He was beautiful at 8 lbs and 21 inches long was our biggest baby yet. due to some complications he was soon whisked away to the nursery where we followed and stood by his bed Looking and adoring our new son. The hospital so kindly let us stay in the long term room so we never had to leave him. Later that weekend we were able to bring him home. Kira and Malin are so excited for their new brother and so far things are going great.
9 years ago
Wow! Congrats! I think this is great for your family.
Oh my goodness!!! Congrats! That is amazing. I had no idea you were adopting. Happy happy news.
How exciting! I didn't know you were trying to adopt so when I heard about this on Facebook I was so confused. I am so happy for your family!
I am so happy for you guys! Congrats!
That is amazing!! I an so happy for your family. Thanks for sharing that incredible experience. We still miss you a lot! Take care
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